The purpose of the 1v1 soccer game is to help players quickly transition from attacking 1v1 to defending 1v1
Set up
- 10 x 15-yard area
- 1 goal
- 1 soccer ball per player
- 2 teams of 4
How it works
1 player from the first team will dribble and score a goal (this goal does not count as it was unopposed)
As soon as the shot has been taken the first player from the opposing team tries to score, with the player who just shot becoming the defender.
A new player will come in when the ball goes out of bounds or a goal is scored.
The team that scores the most goals after 5 minutes will be the winning team
Coaching points
- Quickly exploit the space while the defender is unorganized
- Use changes of direction and speed to beat the defender
- If you are the defender, transition quickly to stop the attacker from scoring
- What should you do if you see the defender unorganized?
- How can you get past the defender?
- As soon as there is a transition what should the defender be focusing on?
File Type:
Dribbling and 1v1 Drills, Intermediate