The purpose of this 1v1 drill is to help strikers protect the ball and create goal scoring opportunities when their back is to goal
Set up
- 10 by 15 yard area
- 1 large goal
- 3 pug goals
- 2 soccer balls
- 2 teams of 3
- 1 goalkeeper (optional)
How it works
The attaching team will start with the ball and pass to their player in the middle of the area with the defender behind them in a goal side position.
As soon as the pass has been played the defender can begin to press and try to win the ball back.
If the attacker is able to score in the large goal they will get 3 points.
The defender can win the ball back and gain 1 point if they are able to score in any of the pug goals.
If the ball goes out of bounds teams will get 0 points.
Coaching points
- Receive the ball in a side on position with the front foot
- Use a combination of skills and body feints to turn the defender or be able to turn and face the defender 1v1
- After your skill use a quick change of direction along with a change of speed
- What body position should you receive the ball in?
- How can you turn or face the defender?
- What you should you use after your skill?
File Type:
Dribbling and 1v1 Drills, Intermediate