1v1 Bounce pass square


The purpose of this soccer drill is to encourage players to think of different ways they can combine with the bounce players to get from one target player to another

Set up

  • 7 x 7-yard area
  • 1 soccer ball
  • 6 players (2 players in the middle, 2 bounce players, 2 target players)

How it works

The goal for the players in the middle will be to get the ball from 1 target player to the other.

If they do this they will get 1 point.

However, if the players in the middle are able to play a give-and-go with a bounce player and get the ball from one target player to another they will get 3 points.

The roles will reverse if the defender gains possession of the ball.

The player who has the most points at the end of the round will be the winner.

Coaching points

  • Play with your head up so can see when you can play a give-and-go around the defender or receive the ball back
  • Communicate with the bounce players so they know when, where and how you want to receive the ball back.
  • Try to draw the defender close to you, to create space behind them.


  • Where should you be looking when you have the ball at your feet?
  • How will the bounce players know how/when/where you want to receive the ball?
  • How can you create space behind the defender?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Advanced, Possession
Tags: Advanced
Author: Toby
Downloads: 7