The purpose of the drill is to help players be more aware of their surroundings while dribbling
Set up
- 15 x 10-yard field
- 2 teams of 3 ( 3 defending, 3 attacking)
- 3 Soccer balls
- 4 goals
How it works
The defending and attacking team will pair up, with the defending team starting with the ball and passing to their opposite attacker.
This will create 3, separate 1v1s.
The attackers must try and shoot at any of the 3 goals, for each goal they score they will get 1 point.
However, if they can all score in different goals they will get 5 points.
If the defenders are able to take the ball they can score in the opposite goal for 1 point. The defenders and attackers can only play against their pair in the initial match-up.
Coaching points
- Keep your head up while you dribble the ball so you can see what is happening around you
- Accelerate into gaps between the defenders to exploit space
- Use different skills combined with a change of direction and speed
- Where should you be looking while dribbling the ball?
- How can you exploit the spaces?
- What can you do to beat the defenders?
File Type:
Advanced, Dribbling and 1v1 Drills