1v1 Defending from wide areas


The purpose of this drill is to help players get a lot of repetition defending 1v1 in a wide area

Set up

  • 7 x 15 yard Channel
  • 2 teams of 3
  • 3 soccer balls
  • 5 x 5-yard square
  • 1 large goal
  • 2 pug goals

How it works

The drill will start with the defenders, who will start on the inside corner passing to the attacker who will diagonally opposite the defender on the outside corner facing the goal.

The aim for the attacker is to cross the ball and score in the pug goals if they do this they will get 3 points if they cross the ball and it goes through the square they’ll get one point.

The aim for the defender is to block the cross or steal the ball, if the defender is able to block the cross or the defender is forced out of bounds then the defender will get 1 point.

If the defender is able to steal the ball and dribble past the line the attacker started on they will get 3 points.

Coaching points

  • Keep your side in body position showing the attacker towards the outside
  • Be patient against the attacker and wait for them to make a mistake
  • If you are able to get the attacker to face their own goal keep them facing that way and force them towards their own goal


  • What position should you be in?
  • Where should you be showing the attacker?
  • When should you try and win the ball?
  • If the attacker turns and faces their own goal where should you force them?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Defending Drills, Intermediate
Tags: Intermediate
Author: Toby
Downloads: 19