The purpose of this drill is to help players get a lot of repetition defending 1v1
Set up
- 10 x 15-yard area
- 1 soccer ball per player
- 2 goals
- 2 teams of 4
How it works
Set the goals up opposite each other with each team behind the goals, the teams are trying to score in the goals opposite them.
Once a player has attacked a goal and scored a goal or the ball has gone out of bounds they will become the defender for the attacker on the other team.
After a player has defended they will collect a ball and head back to their team to go again. This will continue until the time limit has been reached with the team scoring the most goals winning.
Coaching points
- React quickly to the change from the attacker to the defender
- Recover and apply pressure on the attacker
- Make sure you are always on the inside of the attacker when tracking back to ensure you show them to the outside, away from the goal
- As soon as you have taken your shot, what should you be thinking/ doing?
- What position should I be in when tracking back and why?
File Type:
Defending Drills, Intermediate