2 goal madness


The purpose of this 1v1 soccer game is to help players dribble and attack the space

Set up

  • 7 x 10-yard area
  • 1 soccer ball
  • 8 cones (to make 4 goals/gates)
  • 2 players

How it works

This will be a regular 1v1 soccer game, however, instead of defending 1 goal in the middle, the players will have to defend 2 goals in each of their corners.

If a player is able to dribble through either of the opposition’s gates they will get 3 points but if they manage to pass the ball through the gate they only get 1 point.

Goal kicks, corners, and throw-ins will be replaced with a player being able to dribble the ball back onto the pitch

Coaching points

  • Dribble with your head up so you can see where the space and opposition player is
  • Use a quick skill combined with a sharp change of direction to beat the defender
  • Use a change of speed Accelerate away from the defender


  • How can you see where the opposition and space are?
  • What can you do to help beat the defender?
  • After you have used a skill how can you get away from the defender?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Dribbling and 1v1 Drills, Intermediate
Tags: Intermediate
Author: Toby
Downloads: 10