3v3 halfway line shooting game


The purpose of this drill is to improve long distance shooting

Set up

  • 2 goals
  • 2 teams of 3 with 1 GK per team
  • 15-yard x 10-yard area

How it works

Divide your players into 2 equal teams and set up your area with a clear halfway point (you may have to adjust the size of the playing area so it is appropriate for the age group you are coaching).

This will be like a regular game of soccer however if a player scores a goal from behind the halfway line then that goal will count as a double.

Coaching points

  • Take your shot early if you get the opportunity
  • Keep your head to assess when/where/how to take the shot
  • Scan the area so you are able to find positions that you could from


  • When should I shoot?
  • How do I know when to shoot?
  • If I do not have the ball what should I be looking to do?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Advanced, Attacking Drills
Tags: Advanced
Author: Toby
Downloads: 8