Basic 1v1 defending drill


The purpose of this soccer drill is to help players control where the attacker goes and force them into a mistake.

Set up

  • Create a 5×10-yard area
  • 1 small goal
  • 1 ball per pair

How it works

Set up your area and place a goal in the middle of one of the 5-yard lines.

The defender will start with the ball next to the goal and pass the ball to the attacker who will start on the opposite side.

The attacker must try and score a goal, if they do they will get 1 point.

If the defender can steal the ball and dribble past the line the attacker started on then they will get 3 points If they force the soccer ball out of bounds the defender will get 1 point.

Coaching points

  • Side-on body position with knees bent
  • 1.5 yards away from the attacker at all times
  • Your body should be facing the direction you want to show the attacker.


  • What body position should we be in when were are defending 1v1?
  • How far away should I be from the attacker?
  • Where do I want to show the attacker and how I can do this?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Defending Drills, Intermediate
Tags: Intermediate
Author: Toby
Downloads: 25