Encourages players to use a variety of skills and changes of directions to beat a defender
Set up
- 15-yard x 10-yard area
- 2 gates
- 1 goal
- 1 soccer ball per 2 players
How it works
The defenders will start with the ball in between the two gates and they will pass the ball to the attackers on the opposite side of the area next to the goal.
The attackers must dribble through the gates to score 3 points, if the defender steals the ball and scores in the goal the attacker started from they will get 1 point.
Swap the attacking team and defending team and keep track of the scores.
The team with the most points wins.
Coaching points
- Keep your head up to see where space and the defender are
- Use skills to help beat the defender
- Dribble at different speeds while changing direction
- Where should be looking when we are dribbling?
- What can we use to help us beat the defender?
- How else can we beat the defender without using a skill?
File Type:
Dribbling and 1v1 Drills, Intermediate