The purpose of this drill is to work on relevant, explosive movements for goalkeepers
Set up
- 3 mini hurdles
- 4 cones to make a 5-yard by 3-yard area
How it works
Set your mini hurdles on hurdles on the 5-yard side closest to you.
The goalkeeper will then perform lateral hops (on one leg) until they get to the first cone, they will then perform broad jumps to the next cone.
While still facing the same direction the goalkeeper will side-step shuffle to the next cone and backward shuffle to the final and be back to where they started from.
Make sure to go around the square in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.
Coaching points
- Focus on small quick steps while moving around the cones
- Be explosive while performing the jumping and hoping movements
- Keep your head and chest facing up and forward.
- What type of steps should you be taking while moving around the cones?
- How can you effectively hop/ jump?
- Where should your head/ chest be facing?
File Type:
Beginner, Goalkeeper Drills