Heading shooting drill


The purpose of this drill is to improve attacking headers.

Set up

  • 1 goal
  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 2 teams of 4
  • 4 soccer balls per team

How it works

Set your teams up about 10 yards back from the goal with the team nominating 1 player to be the server and the other 4 players standing behind the cone 10 yards away.

The teams will alternate taking turns to head the ball to try and score a goal with a ball that is thrown into them from the server. The team that scores the most goals in the time limit or gets to a set number of goals will be the winner.

Once the keeper has made a save or the header goes past the byline the next team may go.

Coaching points

  • Use your neck muscles as well as your momentum to get power the ball
  • Aim for the corners
  • Make contact with the soccer ball using your forehead


  • How can I generate power on the ball with my head?
  • Where should I be aiming my header?
  • What part of the head should I be trying to make contact with the soccer ball?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Attacking Drills, Intermediate
Tags: Intermediate
Author: Toby
Downloads: 8