Individual soccer shooting drill


The purpose of this soccer drill is to improve a players shooting ability from different angles.

Set up

  • 1 soccer ball
  • 1 goal
  • 6 cones
  • 1 tall cone

How it works

Start with your soccer by dribbling through the slalom, perform a skill on the tall cone then take a shot on goal.

You can vary how you dribble through the cones, for example, only using one foot or using specific touches.

Perform 10 shots where the skill takes you onto the right to shoot with your right foot, then 10 shots on your left.

You can also change the position of the tall cones and slalom around the edge of the box so you are practicing shooting from a greater range of angles.

Coaching points

  • The skill on the cone should be performed quickly with the next touch being out of your feet for the shot
  • When you are shooting at goal aim for the corners
  • Use the inside of your foot


  • What speed should the skill be performed at?
  • Where should you be aiming when taking your shot?
  • What part of your foot can you use to place the ball in the goal?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Attacking Drills, Beginner
Tags: Beginner
Author: Toby
Downloads: 15