Passing drill to take a touch away from pressure


The purpose of this soccer drill is to get repetition receiving the ball under pressure and taking your first touch away from the defender.

Set up

  • 7×10 yard area
  • 1 soccer ball per group of 3 players

How it works

Set up your area with 2 players on one 7-yard side with a soccer ball with the other player on the opposite 7-yard side.

The player with the ball will pass the ball to the player on the opposite side and follow their pass, this will cut off the angle of the player receiving the pass so they must take a touch out of their feet to the player the pass back to the other player.

Players should check to a cone to help create a better angle to receive the pass. Players can vary the different types of touches they can take, either using the inside or outside of their foot.

Coaching points

  • Check out a cone when looking to receive the pass, this makes it easier for a player playing the pass
  • The first touch should be out of your feet, so with your second touch you can play the pass
  • The first touch should be towards the space and away from the pressure


  • How can you make it easier to receive a pass from your teammate?
  • What are the benefits of having a touch out of your feet?
  • Where should your first touch take you?
File Type: pdf
Categories: Beginner, Passing Drills
Tags: Beginner
Author: Toby
Downloads: 14