The purpose of this drill is to help players explore how they can get away from defenders using skills combined with a quick change of speed and direction
Set up
- 1 soccer ball per pair
- 4 tall cones
- 4 small comes
- An attacker and defender
How it works
Both players will start in their respective space between the 2 smaller cones.
The goal for the attacker is to try and dribble through the gates made up of the large cones for 3 points.
While in their space with the ball the attacker change directions and speed, however once they gone past the small cones they have to go to the gate on that side of the area.
If the defenders are able to tag the attacker before they go through the gates they will get 1 point.
The defender can only tag the attacker once they have left their area.
Coaching points
- The attacker needs to keep their head up and watch how the defender reacts to their changes of direction and speed
- Combine body feints and skills with changes of speed and direction
- Accelerate out the area and through the gates
- Why should you keep your head up?
- How can you fake out the defender?
- What is essential to get out of the gates and through the area?