This is to get lots of repetition of different types of first touches players can take and build a solid foundation for other passing drills.
Set up
- 3 cones per pair
- 1 Soccer ball per pair
How it works
The players must pass the ball to each other alternating from left to right however it must stay on the outside of the cones.
When a player receives the ball they must run parallel to the coned line and pass to their teammate on the other side.
Players can start by using the inside of their back foot to take the touch and pass.
Challenge players to control the pass and pass the soccer in as few touches as possible
- Still using the back foot you use the outside of the foot instead of the inside
- Receive the ball facing your partner and you can try and use a back-heel touch to the side.
Coaching points
- You should be side on when receiving the ball
- Your chest should be facing the direction you want to take the touch
- Stay light on your feet
- How should you be standing when you’re waiting to receive the ball?
- Which was should I be facing?
- What can I do to help easily adjust to a pass?
File Type:
Beginner, Passing Drills