To get a lot of repetition to use skills and turns while keeping their head up.
Set up
- Create 2 lines that run parallel with each other and are 10 yards apart
- Place cones in the middle of the 2 lines ( 1 cone per pair)
- 1 soccer ball per player
How it works
Players should line up opposite each other on the lines 10 yards apart with a cone in the middle of them.
The players will then have a ball each and at the same dribble toward the cone and perform a soccer skill that takes them to the right.
Once they have they have performed their skill on their cone they will dribble to the line where their partner started.
They can perform a turn such as a drag back, an outside hook, or a Cruyff turn so they are now facing their partner and are ready to go again.
Swap over sides so the players will perform the same skill but it will now take them to the left.
Coaching points
- Dribble with your head up
- Small quick touches
- Skill should be performed quickly
- Big touch away in the direction after the skill has been used
- Where should I be looking when I am dribbling?
- What kind of touches should be taken as we come towards the cone in the middle?
- Should my skill be performed fast or slow?
- How can I make sure I get away from the defender after I have used my skill?