As a team, you want to create and score as many goals as possible. One way in which teams will try to do this is by playing the ball into wide areas where players will cross the ball into the opposing team’s box for a striker to have an easy attempt on goal. These crossing and finishing soccer drills will help your strikers to score more goals from crosses and make sure your wide players are able to play the perfect cross that finds your strikers.
10 Soccer Drills For Crossing and Finishing
Crossing and finishing soccer drill 3 v 2

The purpose of this drill is to encourage players to create goal scoring opportunities by getting the ball wide and crossing the ball into the box for a teammate to finish.
This crossing and finishing drill rewards players for finishing first time and scoring a goal where the assist came from a wide area.
The attacking team will have 5 attempts to get as many goals as possible with the defenders trying to score in the 3 smaller goals if they win the ball back.
Waves Crossing and finishing soccer drill

The purpose of this crossing and finishing drill is to encourage your players to quickly exploit space by getting the ball wide while the other team is unorganized.
For this activity your players must attack with speed and directness to increase their chances of scoring.
Teams will be reward if they can assist or score a goal that comes from a player receiving the ball in a wide channel
1v1 crossing soccer drill

This is a unique 1v1 drill that encourages players to use a skill or a body feint so gain that extra yard of space to deliver the ball into the box.
Players will be rewarded by beating the player and scoring into either of the pug goals in the middle of the box.
This is also a great drill if you would like to focus on 1v1 defending from wide areas
Remember to practice these 1v1s on the left and right hand side of the pitch.
You can also vary the defenders starting position to change how the attacker is pressured and receives the ball
Crossing and Finishing Passing Rotation

This is a simple yet effective crossing and finishing passing pattern drill that will help your players create better goal scoring opportunities from crossing the ball into the box.
The drill is perfect for getting a lot of repetition of crossing and finishing as well as providing a flexible progression to really test your strikers movement and finishing in the box!
Crossing and Finishing Showdown

This is a sleek combination passing drill that can be used to create chances from wide areas.
The quick fire passing leads to the ball going out wide with the player in the middle looking to score against the goalkeeper.
The 2 teams will takes turns and have 5 attempts each to score as many goals as possible, with the winning team being the team that scores the most goals.
Players will rotate round so everyone has an opportunity to shoot
2v2 crossing and finishing soccer drill

This 2v2 crossing and finishing drill provides a great opportunity for your players to practice delivering crosses into the box for attacker under game realistic pressure.
As well as giving opportunities from the attackers to score points the defenders are also able to score points too!
After 5 attempts the teams will swap round and the team with the highest score will be the winners.
Remember to practice crosses from the left and right hand side of the pitch.
Rapid fire Crossing and Finishing Drill

This a great crossing and finishing soccer drill that will allow your strikers to get a lot of repetition of using movements to get away from the defender and scoring in tight areas.
It gives the striker free riegn as to which goal they can score in and which wide player they would like to receive the ball from.
For each goal they score the attacker will get 5 points.
However if the defender is able to clear the ball they will get 1 point and if they are able to pass the ball back to the wide player they will get 3 points.
2v1 overlapping run to get a ball in the box

This is great drill to help your players how to easily create 2v1 scenarios in a wide area that can allow more time and space deliver better quality crosses into the box.
Just because the central player has made the overlapping run is doesn’t mean the wide player needs them to pass the ball.
The wide player should base their decision on the positioning of the defender and how they are pressing
4v4 Rondo Crossing and Finishing Drill

This is a 4v4 rondo crossing and finishing drill to help your team quickly transition from defense to attack by getting the ball wide
If the attackers scores they will get 5 points, however if the defending team is able to score in the pug goals or pass the ball back to their teammate in the square they will get 1 point.
Small sided game for Crossing and Finishing

This is a great small sided game to encourage your players to deliver crosses into the box for the striker to finish.
Teams will get more points if the assist for the goal came from a wide area.
Also if the striker is able to score first time the team will also get an extra point.
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