A give-and-go in soccer is a great passing combination that players can use to help pick apart opposition players and retain possession of the ball. When 2 players perform a give-and-go they make it seem like a relatively simple skill to do but it’s actually a lot more complex than it seems. These give-and-go soccer drills will help your players easily break down opposition defensive lines with give-and-go passes.
These are the 4 best ways to create space in soccer, these methods would work really well alongside these give-and-go drills.
What is a give-and-go in soccer?
A give-and-go in soccer is where the player on the ball will pass to a teammate and then look to make another movement to receive the ball again. In soccer, this can also be known as a 1-2 or a combination pass.
A give-and-go in soccer can either be played around an opposition player or played directly back to the player who passed the ball if there is no space to move into.
Soccer give-and-go drills
If you like these give-and-go soccer drills you can download them as a free PDF at the bottom of the page
1v1 soccer square for a give-and-go

Purpose: The purpose of this soccer drill is to encourage players to think of different ways they can combine with the bounce players to get from one target player to another
Set up:
- 7 x 7-yard area
- 1 soccer ball
- 6 players (2 players in the middle, 2 bounce players, 2 target players
How the drill works:
Set up your square with the target players and bounce players opposite each other.
The goal for the players in the middle will be to get the ball from 1 target player to the other. If they do this they will get 1 point.
However, if the players in the middle are able to play a give-and-go with a bounce player and get the ball from one target player to another they will get 3 points.
Whichever player has possession of the ball in the middle will be the attacker.
The roles will reverse if the defender gains possession of the ball.
The player who has the most points at the end of the round will be the winner.
There will be 6 3 minute rounds.
Coaching points:
- Play with your head up so can see when you can play a give-and-go around the defender or receive the ball back
- Communicate with the bounce players so they know when, where and how you want to receive the ball back.
- Try to draw the defender close to you, to create space behind them.
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- Where should you be looking when you have the ball at your feet?
- How will the bounce players know how/when/where you want to receive the ball?
- How can you create space behind the defender
1v1 soccer give-and-go drill

Purpose: The purpose of this drill is to help players recognize different scenarios as to when they could play a give-and-go in a more realistic environment.
This drill also gives your players the ability to practice their 1v1 skills as well.
Here are 12 more 1v1 drills and games you can use with your players
Set up:
- 2 goals
- 4 players (2 players in the middle, 2 bounce players)
- 1 soccer ball
- 10 x 15-yard area
How the drill works:
Set up your area with the 2 goals opposite each other on the 10-yard lines and the bounce players on the 15-yard lines.
To help give a reference to the players, the bounce players are acting as LM/RM with the players in the middle acting as CM.
There will be 2 players in the middle and this will be a regular 1v1.
When in possession of the ball, the players in the middle can utilize the bounce players to help them score goals.
For each give-and-go, the middle player makes with a bounce player that is an extra point in the bank.
But for the points in the bank to count the player must score a goal.
For example, if a player does not make any give-and-go passes but is able to score a goal they will get 1 point.
However, if they are able to get to 2 give-and-go passes in the bank and score a goal they will get 3 points.
Coaching points:
- Bounce players must move up and down to support the player in the middle
- Use movement to create space for yourself and disguise where you are looking to receive the ball. (1 movement for the defender another for the ball).
- Communicate with the bounce players so they know where you want to receive the ball
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- As a bounce player, how can you support the player in the middle as they advance up/down the pitch?
- How can you create space for yourself?
- How will the bounce players know where you want to receive the ball?
3v3 smaller-sided game for a give and go

Purpose: The purpose of this is to reward penetrative give-and-go passes in a game realistic scenario
Set up:
- 15 x 20-yard area
- 2 teams of 3
- 1 soccer ball
- 2 goals
How the drill works:
Set up your 3v3 pitch and divide your players into 2 teams of 3.
Ask your players to put themselves in positions(LM, RM, CM)
This will be a regular 3v3 where if a goal is scored will count as 1 point.
However, if 2 players can combine a give-and-go pass around an opposition that will also count as a point.
If the team can score in the same phase of play the goal will be worth 3 points.
Coaching points:
- Create space for yourself by moving away from the space you want to receive the ball then move into that space with your second movement
- If you are the bounce player try to play the pass back first time to keep the momentum in the attack
- Even if you think you are not going to receive the ball back from the give-and-go still make that movement to receive the ball as you will give the player on the ball more time and space.
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- How can you create space for yourself?
- What can you do to keep the momentum of a give-and-go?
- How does the player on the ball benefit even if you do not receive the ball back from a give-and-go?
Give-and-go passing repetition drill

Purpose: The purpose of this drill is to give players a lot of repetition of the basic passing and movement in a give-and-go.
Set up:
- 1 soccer ball per pair
- 12 cones (2 colors of 6)
How the drill works:
Place your cones in a straight line with a 2-yard gap between each cone and alternate colors.
This should give you 6 gates.
The 2 players should be on either side of this line and combine passes through the different gates to the end and back again.
Encourage players to start off slow and take 2 touches if they need to but as they increase the pace and become more comfortable.
Coaching points:
- Once you have made the pass you should already be moving to receive the ball again
- Use the inside of your foot to control and pass the ball
- Your head should always be up so you can see where the pass needs to be played.
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- What should you be doing as soon as you have received the pass?
- What part of your foot should you use to pass and receive the ball?
- Where should you be looking during this give-and-go drill?
Soccer shooting give-and-go drill

Purpose: The purpose of this soccer drill is to give players an idea of how they can create goal-scoring opportunities with give-and-go passes
Set up:
- 4 tall cones or mannequins
- 2 groups of 4 players
- 3 soccer balls per group
- 1 goal (with a goalkeeper or 2 cones to create gates.
How the drill works:
Where both points of the D meet the edge of the box place 2 mannequins and place another mannequin 5 yards in front of them.
1 player (target player) will start off in front of the mannequin at the edge of the box.
The other 3 players of the group will start in the corner of the box with a soccer ball each.
The first player will play a give-and-go with the target player around the mannequin then play a pass to put them through on goal.
They will then take the role of the target player with the next player in line passing to them.
The 2 teams will compete against each other to see who scores the most goals.
If a goalkeeper is not available then place 2 cones half a yard on the insides of the posts, if a player shoots through these the goal will be worth 3 points instead of 1.
Coaching points:
- Passes should be played first time to ensure the speed in the give-and-go
- The final pass should be played in front of the target player for them to shoot the first time
- Communicate with the target player to make sure you are on the same page and play consistent passes.
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- How can you ensure speed in the give-and-go?
- Where should the final pass be played to the target player so they can shoot the first time?
- What can you do to make sure your passes are concise and consistent?
Give-and-go passing pattern

Purpose: The purpose of this soccer drill is to get lots of repetition of give-and-go passing
Set up:
- 7 x 7-yard area
- 6 players (2 teams of 3)
- 1 soccer ball per team
How the drill works:
Create your square with 2 players from each team opposite each other on the outside of the square.
This will leave 2 players from each team in the middle.
One of the target players from each team will start with the ball and pass to the player in the middle.
The player in the middle will set the ball to the target player who will then play a pass to the target player on the opposite side.
The middle player will now become a target player with the target player now becoming the middle player.
The round will last for 3 rounds of 3 minutes with the team making the most give-and-go passes per round the winner.
Coaching points:
- Try to keep the passes to 1 touch only so that the remains tempo high
- Check-in to create an angle to make it easier to receive the ball and pass it back to your teammate
- Scan the area so you know where the players from the other group are and where you teammates are
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- How can you keep the give-and-go passing drill at a high tempo?
- What position should you be in to make it easier to pass and receive the ball?
- What should you be constantly doing to ensure you know what is going on around you?
2v1 soccer game for give-and-go passing

Purpose: The purpose of this drill is to give players opportunities to use a give-and-go pass if the opportunity arises in a low-pressure environment.
Set up:
- 10 x 15-yard area
- 1 soccer ball
- 2 goals
- 3 players (1 magic player)
How the drill works:
Create your area and designate 1 player in the group to become the neutral player.
The neutral player will be on the team of the player who has possession of the ball.
This will be a regular 2v1 however if the player possessing the ball can play a give-and-go with the neutral player and score a goal the goal will be worth 3 points.
If the possessing player scores a goal without doing this then their goal will be just one point.
The player with the most points will be the winner.
there will be 3 rounds of 5 minutes.
Coaching points:
- Play with your head up to see if you could play a give-and-go pass
- If you are the neutral player find space and create angles to support the player on the ball
- The neutral player and possessing player should be communicating so they both know where they want to receive the ball and what area they want it played to
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- Where should be looking when trying to play a pass?
- If you are the neutral player how can you help support the player on the ball?
- What can you do to make combining passes easier?
Give-and-go around the square drill

Purpose: This soccer drill will give players lots of repetition of playing -give-and-go passes
Set up:
- 7 x 7-yard area
- 8 players
- 1 soccer ball (2 for a progression)
How the drill works:
Set up your square and place 2 players on each corner of the square.
The first player with the ball will pass anti-clockwise to the player at the front of the line.
They will follow their pass and play a give-and-go with that player around the cone who will pass the ball to the next anti-clockwise player.
Start this soccer drill off with 1 soccer ball but you can challenge your players but introducing a second soccer ball.
If you choose to do this start the soccer balls on opposite sides of the square.
Coaching points:
- Communicate with the player you are passing the ball with to ensure you are both on the same page
- When you are playing the give-and-go pass make sure it is in front of the player to run onto
- To keep the tempo high try to play 1 touch passing.
Questions that can lead to coaching points:
- How will know that the next player is ready to receive the pass?
- When you are playing the return pass in a give-and-go, where should you play the pass?
- What can you do to keep the tempo of the drill high?
Give-and-go soccer drills conclusion
These give-and-go soccer drills should give your players ideas as to when best to use and utilize the give-and-go.
For a successful give-and-go in soccer, both players need to identify the movements of their teammates and recognize certain patterns in different game scenarios.
This is why the give-and-go soccer drills include the pattern of play drills to help players understand the movements and technical skills involved in the combination pass, as well as more game-realistic and competitive drills to help them apply it to in-game scenarios.
This is a skill that will take weeks to build up, not just 1 session.
If you know any more give-and-go soccer drills then please leave your idea in the comments below.
Share these give-and-go soccer drills with different soccer coaching using the social media buttons on the page.
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The Youth Soccer Coaching Handbook

Take the stress out of coaching youth soccer with 250+ pre-made soccer sessions and drills, just turn up and coach!
Here’s the breakdown of what you’ll find inside:
- 35 Defending Drills
- 35 Dribbling and 1v1 Drills
- 21 SAQ Drills
- 47 Passing, Control, and Possession drills
- 31 Goalkeeper drills
- 36 Shooting and Finishing drills
- 30 Soccer Games U4 – U8
- 20 Pre-made soccer sessions (90 minutes in length each)