2 is a great age to start introducing your kids to different sports, with soccer being one of those. These soccer games for 2 year olds will provide your toddler with a fantastic way to explore different skills and ideas, as well as enjoy the social side of things too!
These are the best soccer games for 2 year olds
All these soccer games for 2 year olds are incredibly easy to set up, run and explain!
A big part of these games is creating a fun environment for the players to learn in.
This post goes over the 10 ways to make your soccer games more fun!
Enjoying the fun fair

Game outline:
This soccer game involves doing a variety of different throwing, kicking, and moving challenges with a soccer ball
- 1 soccer ball per player
- 4 tall cones
- pinnies (bibs)
- 20 cones
- 1 hoop
How the game works:
For this game, there will be 3 different fun fair-style stations.
Once they complete the games they will get a prize (cone) which they must add to their collection by placing on top of a tall cone which is back where they started.
They will then repeat this until all the prizes have been collected.
Each player will have their own soccer ball and will have to dribble it between stations.
- Station 1
The coach will hold a hoop and the players will have to pick up their football and throw it through the hoop.
- Station 2
This will be a cone knockdown, where the player will kick their soccer ball to try and knock a tall cone over
- Station 3
The player will pick up a pinnie and try to throw it into a circle.
- Station 4
This is where the player will collect their prize (cone) and dribble back to the beginning
Steal the eggs

Game outline:
This game involves players running and dribbling as well as changes in direction
- Soccer balls
- pinnies (bibs)
- 1 goal
- 1 cones circle
How the game works:
On one side of the area place, the soccer balls (eggs) in a circle made of cones, and on the other side place the goal.
The coaches will act as chickens.
The players must try and take the soccer balls (eggs) and score in the goal, however, the coaches acting as the chickens will be trying to throw feathers (pinnies) at them to try and stop them.
The players must try to dodge the pinnies while dribbling the soccer ball back to the goal.
Tidy the room

Game outline:
This is a cone retrieval game, where players will have to pick and place cones according to their color
- 1 soccer ball per player
- 4 different colored cones
- 5 x 5-yard area
- 4 tall cones
How the game works:
Spread out and place the different colored cones (toys) in the area (bedroom) and place 4 tall cones around the outside of the area (7 yards away).
Make sure that a tall cone has a different colored cone on it, so the players know which one they need to take where.
Players will have to help tidy the bedroom by taking the toys to their specific area (matching the colored cones in the middle with the colored cones on the outside)
Players can only pick up one cone at a time and they must be dribbling their soccer ball too!
The will end once the bedroom has been tidied.
Super Heros

Game outline:
This drill involves players dribbling a soccer ball while changing direction.
- Tall cones
- soccer ball per player
How the game works:
The players will be acting as superheroes and it is their responsibility to save the city!
Each player will have a soccer ball and they will have to rebuild the buildings (pick up the cones) that the villains (coaches) have knocked over.
At the end of the time limit if the players (superheroes) have more buildings (cones) standing up than the coaches (villains) then they will win the round.
You can also select other players to act as the supervillains too.
Ice creams for the coaches

Game outline:
Players will work on their, balance and close control soccer skills
- Soccer balls
- Cones
- Tall cones
How the game works:
Players will collect a football (ice cream) and dribble it through the cones (sandcastles) and towards the ice cream cones (tall cones).
The players will then pick up their soccer balls and balance them upside down on the tall cone.
They will then take the ice cream to the coach.
The game will come to an end when all the soccer balls have been used.
Alien adventure

Game outline:
Players will have to run away to avoid being tagged while dribbling with a soccer ball
- Cones
- Soccer balls
How the game works:
Create an area of cones and this will act as the player’s spaceship.
In the rest of the area spread out all of the soccer balls and this will be the moon rock.
Players must run out of their ship and collect the moon rock and dribble it back to their spaceship.
The coaches will act as the aliens and tag the players.
If a player gets tagged then they will have to head back to the spaceship before trying to take the moon rock again.
The game will end once all of the moon rock has been collected
Protect the base

Game outline:
Players will work on their foot-eye coordination and their kicking ability
- Soccer balls
- A semi-circle of tall cones
How the drill works:
The coaches will have the soccer balls and they will try to pass and roll the soccer balls to knock down the cones of the base.
The players must try to kick the balls away to stop the coaches from knocking down the cones.
At the end of the timer if the tall cones are still standing then the players will win the round.
High-five tag

Game outline:
This drill will work on the players dribbling skills and teamwork
- 1 Soccer ball per player
- 1 Pinnie (bib) per coach
- 10 x 15-yard area
How the drill works:
Each of the players will have a soccer ball and dribble inside the area.
The coaches will have a pinnie each and try to throw it at the players.
If the pinnie hits a player they will sit on their soccer ball.
To start dribbling again another player has to dribble up to them and give them a high-five.
The game will end when the time limit runs out.
Collect the treasure

Game outline:
This game will work on players dribbling and passing skills
- Soccer ball per player
- pennies (bibs)
How the game works:
The players have to try and collect as much treasure as possible from the coaches (pirates).
Every time they pass their soccer ball and hit the coach they will drop a piece of treasure (pinnie).
The players must try to collect as much treasure as possible with the player collecting the most by the end being the winner.
The coaches should hold as many pennies as possible and make sure they give the treasure to the player that hits them with the soccer ball
Super Soccer Circuit

Game outline:
This game works on a variety of different basic movement skills.
- Soccer balls
- Pug goals
- Ladder
- Cones
- Mini hurdles
- Flat cones
How the drill works;
This is a circuit for players to complete, that will end with them scoring a goal.
- Station 1 – Balance beam
Set up 2 lines of cones where players will have to walk through without touches in the sides.
- Station 2 – Ladder run
Players must run as fast as they can through the ladder
- Station 3 – Cone jump
Set up 3 lines of cones where players will have to jump over them
- Station 4 – Lily pad jump
Spread out the flat cones (normal cones work for this too) and players my hop from cone to cone to get to the other side
- Station 5 – Round-a-bout
Set up a circle that players must run around
- Station 6 – Score a goal
This is the final station, players will run up and take a shot at the goal before starting the circuit again.
Let me know what you think of the soccer games for 2 year olds
These are the 10 best soccer games for 2 year olds that I use when I am coaching them.
The focus of these games is to be fun and provide them with different ways to interact with each other and their surroundings.
I would also recommend having a least 2 of 3 coaches while coaching this age group because they can be quite challenging at times.
Here are some more soccer games for older kids, that you can progress onto.
You may also find these soccer drills for 6 year olds helpful too!
If you found these soccer games for 2 year olds helpful then please share them!
Thank you for reading and sharing,
The Youth Soccer Coaching Handbook

Take the stress out of coaching youth soccer with 250+ pre-made soccer sessions and drills, just turn up and coach!
Here’s the breakdown of what you’ll find inside:
- 35 Defending Drills
- 35 Dribbling and 1v1 Drills
- 21 SAQ Drills
- 47 Passing, Control, and Possession drills
- 31 Goalkeeper drills
- 36 Shooting and Finishing drills
- 30 Soccer Games U4 – U8
- 20 Pre-made soccer sessions (90 minutes in length each)